Jewellery from Aotearoa New Zealand

Gallery Marzee

7 November 2021 to 16 January 2022 extended until 1 March 2022

Gallery Marzee, Nijmegen, the Netherlands



participating artists:

Fran Allison 

Vanessa Arthur 

Becky Bliss 

Octavia Cook 

Mary Curtis 

Nina van Duijnhoven 

Warwick Freeman 

Karl Fritsch

Kelly McDonald 

Craig McIntosh

Neke Moa

Shelley Norton 

Renée Pearson 

Moniek Schrijer 

Caroline Thomas 

Lisa Walker 

New Zealand jewellery is seen in the wider world as a free spirit that turns away from convention and description.

Obviously, the work comes from makers who connects to their ideas, and those ideas occur from the two islands in the middle of the Pacific, far away from the accumulation of common institutional conventions.
New Zealand history is built upon pioneering spirits. Its contemporary jewellery history is still traceable with most artists still active. In this exhibition are a few of those pioneering spirits who showed inspiring ways throughout their careers.

Sieraden from Aotearoa New-Zealand is brought to the Netherlands by MAKERS101 and curated by Marie-José van den Hout.





here you will find more about selected exhibitions with New Zealand jewellery artists